When Inc.com asked me and a few other tech experts what the most in-demand holiday gifts of the year are, I was quick to chime in. I can’t say enough about e-Skoot, and it’s the go-to gift for a number of friends, family members, and employees. Is it a tad expensive? Yes, but you get what you pay for! However, there are many other hot gifts on this list that you don’t want to miss out on.

For some, it’s the TW Broadcaster from Arkon that you can’t pass up. Some say the “gift of change” is where it’s at, and donating to a favorite charity just because or in someone’s name is the way to go. Of course, the Amazon Echo is also topping the charts, giving you a personal assistant in your home.

An iPad Pro is on Santa’s list for many, as are a slew of other mobile devices. The Phantom 2 Vision is a leading drone on the market right now, and is sure to earn you the “best gifter of 2015” award! For more ideas, check out all the suggestions and get to shopping—cyber Monday is right around the corner!

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The Hottest Tech Gifts of 2015-with John Rampton